Thursday 27 December 2012

Hive fleet challenge

A while back (2 odd years) I tried getting my better half into the world of small plastic things; with many frowns and strange looks from her I think I may have succeeded in a slight amount of amusement from her.

The first hurdle any of us hardened mini makers came across was "what army to go for"... after a few hours spent pouring over codices and rule books, I received a reply of "those look cool !" and a tyranid army was born (or spawned????)

Next was the colour scheme which after much back and forth ended up being the leviathan purple and bone.
Then came the inevitable day when I agreed to paint the force for her (mistake number 1) as she was not finding time to do it and would enjoy playing more with “well painted minis”.

So after much head scratching and paint buying we are on the road.

This is record of my fight with hive fleet leviathan.

After painting a few hormagaunts in a variety of purples and bone colours that were straight from the bottle, I ended up with a home mixed custom colour for both of the main base bone colour and the  chitin.
There are many reasons not to start a project like this in a cack handed fashion..... I don’t know any of them. 
So I armed with my new colours and need to start large I went for the trygon first.   “He’s nuts”
I hear you cry, and you would be wholly right to think that but sometimes you need to go large.

So here are a few work in progress shots up to almost finished.

I’m currently pondering basing ideas and also ways to add goo, no that’s not a miss spelling I do mean goo. Any suggestions are most welcome =)

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